Welcome! This blog is about my random thoughts, colourful pictures and paintings, some of my pencil drawings, reflections on things I feel strongly about and my experiences as I journey through life. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to add your comments and suggestions, but please refrain from spam, racist or uncomfortable comments. Thanks for visiting!
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness.
John Keats
William Michael Harnett - Still life Violin and Music
Music...gives wings to the mind, a soul to the universe, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, a life to everything.
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Basket Of Fruit - Carvaggio
Corner of the Garden at Montgeron - Claude Monet
If you possess a library and a garden, you have everything you need. (translation from the French)
Si vous possedez une bibliotheque et un jardin, vous avez tout ce qu'il vous faut.
- Cicero
Last month, Spanish day was celebrated at the Instituto Hispania. For this, we (the basic level class) were asked to give a reading of fragmento, few beautiful lines from the books of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Here are the lines from our reading. They are so exquisitely written that it would be a crime to translate, he he.. But of course, we cannot understand without it.
Cien años de soledad - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Escritor, Colombiano
One Hundred Years of Solitude
"Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llevo a conocer el hielo. Macondo era entonces una aldea de veinte casa de barro y cañabrava construida a la orilla de un río de aguas díafanas que se precipitan por un lecho de piedras pulidas, blancas y enormes como huevos prehístoricos. El mundo era tan reciente, que muchas cosas carecían de nombre, y para mencionarlas había que señolarlas con el dedo".
Translation Google :))
"Many years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses built on the edge of a river of clear water that rush through a bed of polished stones, white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs. the world was so recent that many things lacked names, and had to be pointed out with finger. "
"En aquel Macondo olvidado hasta por los pájaros, dónde el polvo y el calor se habían hecho tan tenaces que costaba trabaja respirar, recluidos por la soledad y el amor y por la soledad del amor en una casa dónde era casi imposible dormir por el estruendo de las hormigas coloradas, Aureliano y Amaranta Ursula eran los únicos seres felices, y los más felices sobre la tierra."
Translation Google :))
"In that Macondo forgotten even by the birds, where the dust and the heat had become so tough that breathing was laborious, secluded by solitude and love and by the solitude of love in a house where it was almost impossible to sleep by the roar of ants, Aureliano and Amaranta Ursula were the only creatures happy, and the happiest on earth. "
El Olor de la Guyaba - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Escritor, Colombiano
The Fragrance of Guava
"-cuando la noche - noche de los trópicos, sofocante y densa y olores de nardos y jazmines y rumores de grillos - caía brusca sobre la casa, la abuela inmovilizaba en una silla a Gabriel, entonces un niño de cinco años de edad, asustándolo con los muertos que andaban por allí: con la tía Petra, con el tío Lázaro o con aquella tía Maragarita (....) "Si te mueves - le decía la abuela al niño - va a venir la tía Petra que está en su cuarto."
"-when the night - night of the tropics, dense and suffocating odor of tuberose and jasmine and rumors of crickets - fell sharply over the house, Grandma immobilized in a chair Gabriel, then a five year old, startling with the dead who were there: with Aunt Petra with uncle Lazaro or that aunt Maragarita (....) "If you move - told the boy's grandmother - will come aunt Petra is in your room. "
Financial Cyber crime is one of those things that we never pay much attention to until one day, it happens to us or our friends.
One of my friends has an account with ICICI bank, a private bank in India. At 5 AM in the morning, he got a text message that Rs. 3000 has been transferred from his account to Weightwatchers in UK. He called the customer care of ICICI and was promptly put on hold.
So, he entered the password to his online transaction incorrectly so as to lock his account, thereby disabling any online transaction.
By the time he was finally put through to the customer care at 6 AM after 30 minutes waiting, he had to speak to several fucking supervisors/ managers and verify his details at every stage. Meanwhile, he also received a SMS that his transaction for Rs. 17000 had failed, this transaction was not initiated by him, but the hacker.
He had explained the failed attempt at hacking to the sodding customer care managers but they very least concerned about the crime and the gravity of the situation. They had refused to look into the matter or provide details about the receiver or contact them to stop the transaction and report the user who had initiated the purchase.
After much argument, they had informed that the recipient was Weightwatchers, UK and informed that nothing would be done from their end to cancel the transaction with the merchant. Further, they had also informed him that without an FIR (First Information Report) lodged with the local police station, they would not take up his complaint for investigation. They had also told him that he needs to pay for a new debit card as he has now disabled the current debit card used for online transaction.
Online banking and private banking exist only in the cities of India, mainly the metropolis. In the main cities, ATMs, online banking, online shopping are extensively used. They are still a novelty for majority of Indians in many of the states and rural areas.
Nationalized banks hold the major banking market of India. Unfortunately, they have not evolved much into Online banking and transactions and are still in the preliminary stage of the Internet era of banking.
I can only say that as customers, everyone should close their accounts, take their money elsewhere and let such irresponsible banks sink to hell.