"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
Welcome! This blog is about my random thoughts, colourful pictures and paintings, some of my pencil drawings, reflections on things I feel strongly about and my experiences as I journey through life. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to add your comments and suggestions, but please refrain from spam, racist or uncomfortable comments. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

International Women's Day!

Celebrating International Women's Day!!!

 From Top left: Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Marie Curie, Joan of Arc, Queen Cleopatra, Jane Austen, Audrey Hepburn, Artemisia Gentileschi, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Emily Dickinson
(Please click to enlarge)

“Your candle burned out long before
Your legend never did…”

To all the women who since the beginning of the world, have enriched the lives of people in their unique, special way!!

Happy Women's Day!!


  1. Ruby,
    Je me joins de tout cœur avec toi pour célébrer la fête de la journée de la Femme que nous célèbrerons aussi demain en France.


  2. Thanks for reminding me that it's International Women's Day.

  3. happy women's day to you! may the culture of women and life take over this earth once again and rescue it from the violent men killing and contaminating our home.

  4. What a superb day you're having, International Women's Day is beautiful. I love it.

  5. Yes such wonderful women,we must celebrate the lives of all women. We have had to fight long and hard for equal rights and the fight goes on.

  6. Yes! women hold up half the sky!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  7. Hello dear friend Rubi. I am here today in your corner to give you congratulations on the day for all women. kisses

  8. 8 Marzo..Quanta strada è stata fatta in questi ultimi decenni nella direzione della emancipazione e liberazione della donna, ma ne rimane ancora tanta da fare, che 8 marzo sia festa della donna tutto l'anno!!...ciao

  9. Hyvää naistenpäivää. Sinulla on kiva blogi ja olet hyvä piirtämään.

  10. Happy Women's Day!

    For all women since the beginning of the world.

    woman is the mother of life

  11. Giancarlo,Angela that is so true still a long way to go..

    Thanks Roger, Red, Ed, Bob, Cloudia,Marcos, pleasure amazing..

    askertalin, thanks :)

  12. Maravilhoso é ser mulher!
    Com altos e baixos, sorrisos e lágrimas.
    Parabéns pelo nosso dia!

  13. This day was very much observed when I was a child living in the old East Bloc. Today it is only mentioned here briefly on the news, no one really observes it.;) So happy International Women's Day to you too.;)
    Have a lovely weekend,

  14. Happy Women's Day to you too Ruby - Dave

  15. You've collected very famous women. Wish a habby Women's Day to you! Greetings Miklos from Hungary

  16. Hello.
    Happy International Women's Day Ruby!

    Just stopping by to let you know that my blog has moved so you'll need to update your bookmarks.
    Blog: Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...
    New URL: http://thoughtsofbeautyinthestillnessofdawn.blogspot.com

    Hope you'll come visit me soon. Have a great weekend my dear!

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

  17. happy women's day to you too!!!


  18. Hello Ruby!!!

    Excelent Celebrating!

    Happy happy International Women's Day Ruby!

    good week!


  19. Hi my dear friend, Ruby!
    Congratulations on the day, although late, but the woman should be honored every day. kisses

  20. Hi Ruby,

    I respond a little late, but I think I've seen blog about the head, sorry.

    Very nice that you paid attention to.

    Kind regards, Helma

  21. Ruby I hope your day was lovely just as you are.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Marie Curie, in fact, called the Maria Skłodowska-Curie. She was Polish. Curie was the name of her husband, who was a Frenchman. I am glad that Polka is on your list.


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