"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
Welcome! This blog is about my random thoughts, colourful pictures and paintings, some of my pencil drawings, reflections on things I feel strongly about and my experiences as I journey through life. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to add your comments and suggestions, but please refrain from spam, racist or uncomfortable comments. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, 16 January 2012

Lost moments

Her heart remembers
a cold wintry night of yesterday
with the promise of snow in the air.
She is dining with friends
amid laughter and friendly banter,
with her shy smiles and covert glances at her lover
Brimming with the hopes
and dreams of tomorrow.

But oh! when it is tomorrow
it is not the happy sunny smiles
and the worship of the loved one that awaits her
In the dread and despair of tomorrow
she sees in her mind's eye
the long gone scene
not as a memory
but as something so real
that she only has to reach out a hand
and tear the veil
to touch the ethereal face
as solid beneath her palms
and enter the other universe
of mirth and merriment.

Who is that dark-haired lass?
laughing with her midnight eyes
sassy and cheeky
glowing with love,
youth and beauty
the daredevil with a zest for life
seizing the moment,
not caring for reason.
Was it a dream or was it real
Now all that is left
is just an empty shell.

Pride and misunderstandings
the great curses of love
have built a wall
around her heart
which beats so reluctantly
lamenting a lost youth.
An acute pain sears her heart
so great is the agony
that tears spring to her eyes
longing for the times gone by
yearning for the moments lost.


  1. My compliments Ruby....it's very nice.

    Greetings, Joop

  2. Lovely poem with beautiful expressions. Remarkably well done pencil portrait.

  3. Wonderful poem dear friend Ruby. Kisses from Brazil.

  4. Nice portrait....u r improving wisely

  5. Move the period on and that poem could be written much later on in life too. The heart may change but then again it may not. The joy, despair, hope and pain can always be there for those who dare to love.

  6. The drawing is quite sensual, actually. Lovely neck.

  7. Ciao ruby, tutto Ok? A presto Angelo.

  8. Nice flow to your writing. I feel her pain.

  9. A beautiful and poignant piece of writing.

  10. Hello! My first visit, will visit you again. Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts (wonderful poem!). Congrats for your work. If you wish to follow back that would be great I'm at http://nelsonsouzza.blogspot.com
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Joop, Ramakrishnan, Marcos - Thanks for the compliments!!

    Burhan - Thanks for following my progress!!

    GB - That is so true. Dare to love and embrace the pain :)

    Digital Flower Pictures Thanks!!

    Suldog, the model in the original picture was very sensuous and mysterious!

    Angelo battaglia - thanks! I'm good :))

    Carrot Writer - Thanks!

    Adrian - Thanks for the lovely compliment!!

    Nelson - Thanks, I'm following your blog too!!

  12. A beautiful but sad poem. And, the portait is unbelievable, pure genius, superb.

  13. I can feel the sorrow and loneliness of this one.

  14. i really like that she only has to take down the veil to enter the other universe.

  15. Venho aqui para convidar vc para participar do 1ª forum de confraternização entre blogueiros do dia 28/01 à 05/02. A sua participação restringe-se em conversar no mural de bate papo que encontra-se abaixo dos selos (awards), sem haver disputa de forma alguma. O objetivo é fazer debates, conversar, fazer novos amigos, rever amigos antigos, divulgar e promover nossos trabalhos. Tem um selo de participação em meu site, mas não obrigo ninguem a usar, porem você e seu blog ja estão automaticamente escritos. Convide seus amnigos a participar, bastando apenas este amigo fazer uma solicitação, junto ao mural. Caso este amigo não possuir um banner crio um para ele. Faça valer essa ideia. Participe. Um abraço Dado www.dado.pag.zip.net

  16. This poem is touching and beautiful. "she sees in her mind's eye the long gone scene not as a memory~ touch the ethereal face..." I love this part. Thanks for sharing, Ruby!

  17. That's a sad poem Ruby? I liked it, and liked your girl's head drawing too - Dave

  18. A wonderful post to read Ruby... so beautiful xx

  19. Great work, a very nice drawing and a beautiful poem, but a bit sad.

  20. Lovely verse. I think we all yearn for lost moments of youth and love an occasion-bittersweet moments. Mickie :)

  21. Ruby- you imagine age as an exercise- yet it will still surprise you. . . like all of us. . .

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  22. Hi Ruby!
    Just popped in to thank you for dropping by my blog, and to tell you I like your drawings very much!
    I will check back often, Promise!
    xoxoxo, cd

  23. °º✿
    º° ✿ ✿⊱╮
    Poesia linda.
    Bom fim de semana!
    º° ✿ ✿⊱╮

  24. That's a beautiful (though sad) poem!

  25. Thanks Bob!!

    Sandy, Lasse, Robin, Magia, Ed, Sapphire, Dave, Andrew, Xurde, Cloudia-Many Thanks for your wonderful comments!!

    Mickie - Oh yes, some moments are etched in our minds forever :)

  26. Clare - Thanks a lot for dropping by!

  27. Wonderful text with a precious drawing.

  28. She is beautiful.. but the left part of her is a bit too dark.. I mean you could have done better. Nice overall.

  29. Thanks Javier.

    Raja - The left side of the face is in the side but I did botch it by making it wider :) Hopefully, I'd improve.

  30. very nice this design in black and white,
    see you soon Ruby

  31. Hello, Ruby.

     Lovely your works, full of JOY.

     I am enlightened by your splendid works.
     Thank you for showing your heartwarming world.

     The prayer for all peace.
    Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❃


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